leading business and personal performance coach & consultant
Coaching is a positive, personalised, goal-focussed practice that helps you to:
    a) Understand yourself, by taking a fresh, objective look at yourself and your situation and uncovering what you want to be, or do, or where you want to go
    b) Diagnose barriers, whether internal or external, that are stopping you from getting there, and
    c) Take action, step by step, to remove barriers and take you forward on your desired journey
Coaching will help you to uncover exactly what it is that you are not satisfied with, and pinpoint what you actually do want. For some people this can be something of a mystery and all they know is that their life doesn't "feel right", or that they are not living the life they always imagined they would. Some people sense a general lack of fulfilment, happiness or balance and want some help to figure out why this is and how they can change it. Others (the lucky ones) do know what they want but don't have the confidence or focus to go out and make it happen! Being coached is like someone holding up a mirror to you. This mirror helps you see yourself in a whole new light - your values, assumptions, your typical way of behaving, thinking and feeling, limiting beliefs, and sources of resistance. Once you see this for yourself, you can begin to choose a new way of being. This is fundamental to helping you discover how to change. A coach will help you take control of your life whilst challenging, stretching and supporting you. Coaching taps into your desires and passions, unleashes what motivates you, and helps you carve out a path forward. If you have a problem, a coach will enable you see it from all angles, look at all the possible solutions, and then focus on the way forward. They will then be your shoulder to lean on and partner to bounce ideas of as you get there, step by manageable step. Contact me for a free half-hour hour introductory chat - I would love to hear about your challenge!
© 2010 Kristy Hanlon